Battle over cooking-website users is a recipe for all out war

Although things have been changing in recent years — as more Japanese women continue to work after marriage — in Japan it is still usually women who are expected to prepare meals for the family. And whether it be making bento (lunch boxes) for their husbands or children, or preparing the evening meal, Japanese homemakers are known to turn to the Internet to find new recipes.






Battle(S) over cooking-website users is(V) a recipe(C) for all out war

Although things have been changing in recent years — as more Japanese women continue to work after marriage — in Japan it is still usually women who are expected to prepare meals for the family. And whether it be making bento (lunch boxes) for their husbands or children, or preparing the evening meal, Japanese homemakers are known to turn to the Internet to find new recipes.

recipe for ~ ~の調理法 ~をもたらすという意味で洒落っぽく表現している、all out war 総力戦 全面戦争、marriage 結婚、meal 食事、prepare 準備する、whether A or B  AであろうがBであろうが、tern to (仕事等に)取り掛かる