Prime Minister Naoto Kan is rumored to have two key changes in mind for his looming Cabinet reshuffle, one of which will replace his right-hand man.
Prime Minister Naoto Kan(S) is(V) rumored(C) to have two key changes in mind for his looming Cabinet reshuffle, one of which will replace his right-hand man.
rumored <形>噂されている 噂の、have ~ in mind 目論む、looming ぼんやり見える 事態が差し迫っている、reshuffle shuffle「混ぜる」を<接頭>reで繰り返すので「再編」という意味になる、one of which whichはchangesを指す、replace place「位置」を<接頭>reで繰り返すので交代するという意味になる、right-hand man 非常に頼りになる人(英語でも頼りになる部下を”右腕”と言いますが、男性ならmanを忘れずに)