Diplomatic documents declassified by the Foreign Ministry confirm that Japan and the United States had a secret pact under which Tokyo paid an additional $65 million to finance costs related to the 1972 reversion of Okinawa to Japanese sovereignty.
Diplomatic documents(S) declassified by the Foreign Ministry confirm(V) that Japan and the United States had a secret pact under which Tokyo paid an additional $65 million to finance costs related to the 1972 reversion of Okinawa to Japanese sovereignty(O).
declassify classify機密にする をdeで否定するので機密解除するという意味です、pact 協定・条約、東京が負担する という言い方は英語独特ですが、日本政府が負担したということです。sovereignty は統治権ですが、日本語では沖縄返還で十分です。